Well today started off good i got up and took a sponge bath and finally got to shave my legs! well I am extremely swollen again today and its my biggest pain right now its more uncomfortable than painful. I swear i look 5 months preggo right now! Well i tried cutting my pain meds down to a 5mg pill every 4 hours which worked until i had to ride in a car for 45 minutes to my 1st post op appt. By the time i got there i was pretty miserable and it was almost time to take my next dose of pain med anyway so Chris gave me 12.5mg which was a big jump from what i was used to taking lol...lets just say i was feeling GOOD! anyway the Dr. said that i was more bloated than normal and that he thought my drain was clogged so they tried stripping it and then shot saline up the tube to see if there were any clots clogging it and when that didn't work much he decided it was time to "drain me". that was not what i wanted to hear because i know what "drain me" meant....Needle and syringe in the stomach! anyway i braced myself and to my surprise it wasn't bad because i'm still numb in the spot he stabbed the needle in! The bad news is that he couldn't get any fluid out and he said that the bloating was probably because i haven't pooped in 5 days....so laxatives, MOM, and coffee is what he prescribed me....They left the drain in for now in case it decides to start draining some more....I need some poopy prayers!!! Sorry for all the poop talk and if you don't want the ALL details of my life don't read my blog lol. I will keep ya'll updated of anything else that goes on lol
Update: i forgot to mention that the ride home from the Dr. was the first time i felt nauseous since i have had the surgery but i think it was from the big jump in pain meds and then the 24oz coffee on the way home lol
Extremely bloated belly today...still have the lines where the Dr. marked my belly |
Lol, love reading your blog......